Frequently Asked Questions

  • With Kanoo Health, you can access me, Dr. K, when you need me, you will get an appointment on the same or next day when you need to see the doctor, and you will get a high quality of care that best suits your needs. I make it my mission to give each individual the timely and compassionate care they need when they need it. Members have direct access to me via text, phone, email and video visits, with flexible hours that include after hours and weekends for emergencies. Most of my members’ needs can be addressed by one of those contact means, saving them a visit to the office. And when they do have to be seen, there is no co-pay or surprise bill for the visit.

  • Ever wondered what that “back in the days small town doc” feel is? Well you can have that with Direct Primary Care (DPC). DPC doctors use a low monthly membership fee to cut down on expensive co-pays and unexpected visit fees charged with insurance-based medicine, and improve patients’ relationships with their doctor. You get to know the doctor pretty well, and they get to know you and your family pretty well too. With DPC, your doctor, is YOUR doctor.

  • Adult 21 or older $95/mo

    Adult + Spouse $180/mo

    Child (with enrolled adult member) $30/mo

    More details here

  • No. I provide care based on a monthly membership fee structure. This allows me to by-pass third party payors and gives us the freedom to provide you with personalized care that is right for you and will lead to better health quality. Cutting out the middle-man insurance companies reduces the burden of non-patient time administrative work for the doctor, so that additional time gained goes right back to what really matters, you, the patient.

  • You should still have some health insurance for emergencies, complex conditions, procedures, hospitalizations, and other issues that would require a higher level of care if you prefer. Kanoo Health will take care of 80 to 90% of your health needs and reduce your need for emergency room visits, specialty services and expensive testing. Having insurance in place to cover that remaining 10% is a good idea. Plans that work best with this membership model include Health Share Organizations/Ministries, catastrophic plans, low-premium high-deductible plans and PPO plans.

  • You can sign up easily by contacting me online, or call or text 410-929-8710 between 8am and 6pm.

  • As a primary care trained physician, I am capable of addressing the majority of your health concerns. I will work hard to understand your diagnosis and use RubiconMD (an eConsult platform with over 200 medical specialists) when needed and at no extra charge to you, to prevent the extra step of you having to go see a specialist. In the event that you need to see a specialist, you and I will work together to find the right specialist and solution for you.

  • No.

    If you decide to rejoin the practice you will have to pay a re-enrollment fee.

  • Imaging, pathology, labs and medications are not included in monthly membership price, but you may get them at a great discounted rate compared to insurance or cash pay prices.

  • I cannot accept Medicare patients at this time but I hope to in the near future. Please fill out this information form if you are interested in being on the waitlist.

  • If you have more questions please complete the information form online, or call/text 410-929-8710 between 8am and 6pm for more information.